Spray coating of glow-in-the-dark company of the United Kingdom's Pro-Teq could be a cheaper alternative to the conventional public lighting (photo: Pro-Teq)
Gallery (6 pictures)Company of the United Kingdom Pro-Teq has developed a new waterproof coating, spray that absorbs UV light during the day and releases it at night, adapting to the surrounding lighting conditions. Technology is giving a test run in the pieces of Christ in Cambridge Park and could be a cost-effective alternative to conventional lighting.
We are accustomed to see solar collection is mainly installed in the ceilings, but also are being explored other surfaces enough irradiated, including sidewalks, for their potential power collection.
Starpath does not produce electricity, but offers a possible alternative to the lighting of streets, with very low installation and maintenance costs, as it can only be sprayed an existing and then more coated surface to make it waterproof. According to the company, the coating absorbs and stores UV light during the day and releases it at night, when the particles are able to adapt to the available natural light and shine with the right level of intensity.

The layer is being tested in parts of Christ, a park in the Centre of Cambridge, United Kingdom, where it has been sprayed on a total surface of 150 m2 (1,600 m2). Pro-Teq says that layer took only 30 minutes to apply, with the surface is ready for use after only four hours.
"Our surface works best on asphalt or predominantly of asphalt, concrete, which is the main thickness of the UK road network," explains Pro-Teq sales director Neil Blackmore. "When it comes to the end of its useful life, we can rejuvenate us it with our system, creating not only a practical, but a decorative finish."
Starpath has anti-slip properties and can help the users to avoid collisions at night, without having to resort to the lines painted artificially to divide the road. The layer is also non-reflective, and the company's website shows a selection of 11 different colors. On the other side, problems may occur during the winter months, with less available light during the day and the possibility of snow blocking out the light of the path.
The video below details how works resurfacing technology and explains how quickly the layer can be put to the path.
Source: Pro-Teq
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